Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My story.

Welcome to Melbourne.

Melbourne. In ancient times this capital city was considered merely a sporting capital, an eatery beyond compare, a nexus of entertainment. But here and now Melbourne is so much more, it’s a…… blah blah blah, what bullshit! I dunno why I even read this crap, I’ve had the unfortunate pleasure been here before, if you could call it a pleasure that is. In fact, I was born here. I’m a full blooded Melbournite, or so we’re called. But I was one of the smart ones; I got out, and got a good job in the booming Canada state of American republic. Who would have thought that Canada would actually become the beach paradise that it now is?

This place hasn’t changed a bit, its still the shit hole it always was. I can’t believe I actually agreed to come back, but being a tracer, I didn’t really have a choice.

The “New Sweden” they call it, well, it’s really more like the new Detroit….. And we all know what happened there.

As I walk through the blood covered streets of this crime filled, deathly abyss, walking around fist fights that are like spot-fires, I turn my gaze to the relics still around, the ancient station; a now derelict building still of grand design, although lacking some of the more “homey” touches the rest of this wasteland bares. Its silent majesty is something or a rarity nowadays, even for a guy like me, living in a place I do. It’s something that always caught my attention, all the relics did, and still do, I guess it’s nothing more than an interest into the past, looking at those relics is my way to view the past. But still, it’s interesting, don’t you think?

Moving towards my hotel, I walk past my old university…. I learnt nothing there, money spent, money wasted. I never was keen on that whole internet connectivity and it basically controlling everything, so when it all crashed here I wasn’t surprised much at all, it’s just a good thing that I got my tracer job, tracking down and marking criminals. Half of the best bounty team around, and don’t you forget it, ha ha ha.

I wonder if this old place is still in business?

Says here in this leaflet that it’s now a recruiting firm, for some kind of army, also, not really surprising since that place put all its effort into online capabilities. It is also kind of ironic that a learning institute such as this is now more into fighting than most places anywhere here in this city. I guess that I probably would have learnt more useful skills there now than anything I did back then, which is slightly annoying but then I’m not exactly one who likes to play by anyone else’s rules so learning everything and doing it how I do it, is a whole lot more comfortable. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you well, if anywhere is going to help you learn the ropes of a job like ours, its here, just keep close, pay attention and stay alive and you’ll do just fine my apprentice….

By James Parnis.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Task 1 week 7

Using pen, paper and cameras, we will explore the proposed area(Flinders St station). Look at it from a new angle, explore everything(legally!) as if you were exploring a new location in Second Life. Go to places you(and others) would generally never go to and look at things from a new 'point of view.'

As you find a new 'point of view' - answer the following questions.

What is already there that can be used somehow? Objects, buildings, textures, people, businesses etc...
  1. The flinders street station
  2. the trams
  3. the St. Paul's Cathedral
  4. the city streets.
What could be there in the future - how will the overall future theme effect what exists at the moment, and what will replace it?

Post apocalyptic

What would you like to see?
What wouldn't you like to see?

What area would you replicate? Where are the boundaries? How will this be handled?
Keep an eye out for different forms of writing for the project below.

Answer these with pen and paper for at least two different 'points of view,' then post it on your blog along with any photos.

We will then discuss our ideas as a class, each person answering each of the three questions and sharing what they learnt. We shall discuss once again an overall vision for the city with guidance from Johnny and Adam, taking some more definite notes about ideas.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Picture comparison

I think that it is more fun to take a picture in second life because you can dress your avatar however you would like, where as pictures of yourself are more conservative.
I think that its a silly exercise, because your avatar doesn't always have any resemblence to you.

This is a picture of my avatar (with a Link hat and hairstyle).

This is a picture of me at home.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Canoe (class 3)

Today I made a canoe and it was a good learning process because I made it out of only a hemisphere and a cube. The camera is very annoying.

Second life places

Name: Agapema - Arcade Radness
Like: free games, with a tickets system for free prizes, multi-leveled building.
Dislike: Some of the games don't work unless you are using web browsers too.
Come back? yeah, if I wanted to play some free games.
Name: Netherbeck - Aetherstyle & SL anime cosplay
Like: awesome gear.
Dislike: prices too expensive (for someone with no lindens :P)
Come back? with lindens.